
ESA 2014

Andrea Farruggia, Paolo Ferragina, Rossano Venturini. Bicriteria data compression: efficient and usable. In ESA2014 (to appear).

Preprint (PDF).

SODA 2014

Andrea Farruggia, Paolo Ferragina, Antonio Frangioni and Rossano Venturini. Bicriteria data compression. In SODA, pages 1582–1595, 2014.

author = {Antonio Frangioni and Paolo Ferragina and Rossano Venturini and Andrea Farruggia},
title = {Bicriteria data compression},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms},
chapter = {115},
pages = {1582-1595},
doi = {10.1137/1.9781611973402.115},
URL = {},
eprint = {}


Paolo Ferragina, Igor Nitto and Rossano Venturini. On the bit-complexity of Lempel-Ziv compression. SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP), 42(4):1521–1541, 2013.

  author    = {Paolo Ferragina and
               Igor Nitto and
               Rossano Venturini},
  title     = {On the bit-complexity of {L}empel-{Z}iv compression},
  journal   = {SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP)},
 volume    = {42},
 number    = {4},
 year      = {2013},
 pages     = {1521-1541},
 ee        = {},
 bibsource = {DBLP,}

SODA 2009

Paolo Ferragina, Igor Nitto and Rossano Venturini. On the bit-complexity of Lempel-Ziv compression. In SODA, pages 768–777, 2009.

  author    = {Paolo Ferragina and
               Igor Nitto and
               Rossano Venturini},
  title     = {On the bit-complexity of {L}empel-{Z}iv compression},
  booktitle = {SODA},
  year      = {2009},
  pages     = {768-777},
  ee        = {},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}